
*Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 10-14, 25-34 year olds (CDC, 2019)

*National pre-pandemic suicide rates-9% of all high schoolers attempted suicide

*Recent demographic data for high school students that have attempted suicide:

-Black students increase 12%

-Students of two or more races increase 13%

-American Indian and Alaskan Native increase 26%

-Among LGBTQ (gay, lesbian, or bisexual) increase 23% to 6% of heterosexual peers

According to the Annie E Casey Foundation, 2022 Kids Count Data Book

Mental and Behavioral Health Conditions


-25.6% Teens and children living in lower income households are statistically more likely to have anxiety diagnosis.


-11.9% Worse than the US percentage (5.1%)

Behavioral/Conduct Disorders

-8.6%. Close to 37.5% of parents report that the child’s school has notified them in the past year regarding their child’s behavior including 24.8% who were contacted two or more times.

Children’s Mercy Community Health Assessment 2022